Could we “borrow” this idea?

Each year, Spotify does their year-in-review “wrapped” promotion where they push out personalized lists of your most listened to songs and artists for the year. They’ve, of course, made all of this really easy to share on social media — …

Because of its persistence

We all have big dreams of where we’d like our agencies to be… Maybe it’s to hit $100,000 (or $1,000,000) in revenue… Or hire your first employee… Or hire enough employees that you don’t have to work “in” the business …


Any old sparkly thing

It’s incredible how easy it is to catch shiny object syndrome. We’re always on the lookout for the next best thing, and it’s hard to resist some fantastic new piece of technology. I’ve purchased and completely forgotten about software only …

Stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime

I’ve found there’s a lot less back-and-forth on design revisions when I request approval on small things incrementally throughout the design process. First, the colors and typography. Followed by components like buttons, links, and images, etc. But I’ve typically done …


5 Proposal Tips

Having a conversation with by buddy Adam Wright inspired me to jot down a few of the things I’ve learned about writing proposals — hopefully, they are helpful to you! 1. Send as quickly as possible.According to data collected by BetterProposals, proposals …