
5 tips for ending 2024 strong

The end of the year is approaching rapidly — soon, we’ll be turning on our out of office notifications, closing our laptops, and pretending we’re not checking Slack 👀 Hopefully, anyway — it’s hard to turn this job off 100%. …

The only way forward

I’ve always leaned towards “ready, fire, aim.” Not because I’m reckless, but because taking action puts you in the driver’s seat. Some of my best wins came from just going for it, trusting that somehow I’d figure things out along …

One swing of the hammer

A sculptor stands in front of a rough block of marble. Inside, a perfect statue waits to be revealed… But to find it, she just has to start chipping away. At first, it’s messy. Dust flies, chunks fall, and by …


The grass is an illusion

Most of us didn’t start our business with a carefully considered business plan or a playbook of each step in the process. One day, we just woke up and realized we’re running a business. And while winging it may have …


Intention, not indecision

Over the past few weeks, as I’ve been preparing my new full-build series, I’ve been reminded of how just a little extra preparation on the front-end can make everything else so much easier. It’s like that Lincoln quote “If I …