What’s the worst part of your website?
We all have things we’d like to improve on our website… but that long list of things feels so daunting that we keep putting it off because we never have the time to do all of it.
One way to overcome this is instead of trying to tackle the whole thing, find the thing you like the very least about your website (It could be a certain section, an image, your form styling, etc.) and just improve that.
Once you’ve made the changes, that part is no longer the worst part — and now something else takes that distinction (which you can tackle next time).
This small, incremental approach is a way you can continually improve your website without feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to update.
In fact, you could just set this up as a recurring task in your project management tool of choice to do once a week (or once a month if that feels overwhelming).
It won’t be long and all your “least favorite” parts about your website will be gone.
We actually did this an exercise in TABLE recently (as part of a week-long challenge), and I thought it might be fun to share the challenge here and see if people would post their results in the group…
Quickly scan your website and identify the section (not an entire page) you feel is the weakest on the page.
Next, come up with a new design (or new copy if you’re not a designer) for that section to improve on the things you don’t like about it.
As an example, this could be a call-to-action section, a related posts section, a sidebar, etc. Keep it limited to something small.
Take a screenshot before you make the changes, and another screenshot after they’re complete and post them here in the group.
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