What shouldn’t I do?
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like everything I want to do feels impossible. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been staring at a blank screen — overwhelmed by the possibilities and second-guessing every move.
Analysis paralysis — you’ve been there, right?
Let’s say you have a big, big goal for the year: to double your revenue. Sounds amazing, right? But where do you even begin with something like that?
Maybe you should overhaul your services? Ramp up your marketing? Finally hire some help?
When the path forward isn’t clear, it’s easy to stay busy spinning your wheels, but going nowhere.
Figuring out what you should do feels like a big riddle — but what if you flip it on it’s head?
Instead of asking “What do I need to do to double my revenue?” try asking, “What shouldn’t I do?”
The wrong moves are usually painfully obvious…
- Don’t underprice your services just to get more clients
- Don’t overextend yourself (or your team) and get burnt out
- Don’t chase every shiny object that crosses your path
- Don’t neglect your existing clients trying to chase new ones
Seems obvious now, right? The key to moving forward is to do the opposite of all those things you know you have to avoid: value your services, improve your efficiency, pour gasoline on the things that are already working, and be proactive in nurturing the relationships you already have.
I’m almost offended at how easy it is to trick myself — but I’ll be dammed if it doesn’t work.
What shouldn’t you be doing?
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