
The grass is an illusion

Most of us didn’t start our business with a carefully considered business plan or a playbook of each step in the process. One day, we just woke up and realized we’re running a business.

And while winging it may have gotten us this far, at some point you start to wonder if there’s a better way. You might have started looking at what others in TAB are doing and think to yourself “They got it figured out”.

If your business is just you — even if you have a few contractors — you keep things simple. No overhead, no employees, just you, doing the work you enjoy. There’s a ton of freedom in that.

But if you’ve been in that business long enough, eventually you’ll hit a plateau. There’s only so much one person can do. Capacity is limited, and wearing all the hats can leave you working insane hours, and stuck on the rollercoaster of feast-or-famine where the panic of too much work or not enough never seems to end.

So, maybe building a team is the answer? More hands mean you can scale, take on bigger projects, and maybe — just maybe — take a step back from the day-to-day grid and let the business run itself.

But ask anyone with a team — it’s not all roses. You’re no longer doing the work you love; you’re managing people, dealing with payroll, and stressed out about your overhead. Your margins shrink, the quality slips, and you find yourself longing for the days when things were simpler — back when it was just you.

No matter which side of the fence you’re on, the grass on the other side always looks greener.

Doing it all yourself is hard. Managing a team is hard.

But the beauty of running your own business is that you get to choose your hard.

The solo route offers freedom but caps your growth. Building a team lets you scale, but you trade control for complexity.

There’s no right answer that works for everyone… The grass is an illusion.

When you recognize and accept the challenges that come with whatever you decide, then you can build around them and succeed despite them.

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