It’s 2024, and hackers aren’t playing around. 

Last year, inside the community and on our website, we did a weekly series called Accessibility Weekly where Amber Hinds from Equalize Digital shared a short, actionable lesson on website accessibility.

The idea was for us to have a small, digestible lesson each week so that by the end of the year we’d have a lot more accessibility tools in our toolbelt.

Not only did that work, it was a big hit with the community. So this year we decided to keep the same format, but spend 2024 exploring a new topic.

Like accessibility, website security is another one of those sub-topics within web design that is often technical, confusing and sometimes contradictory. But with our client’s websites under our care, it’s critical that we ensure we’re doing everything we can to protect them.

So, I’m excited to share that I’ve teamed up with Oliver from Patchstack to bring you our new series for 2024; Security Weekly. Each week, Oliver and his team will be providing a quick lesson, tip, or concept around the topic of website security.

All of the lessons will be short and actionable aimed at helping us understand why these things are important and providing us with resources where we can dive deeper into each topic. This is going to include things like:

Taking a “layered” approach to security

Busting common security myths

Application vs. server security

And much more

We’ll be posting each week’s lesson on our website and inside a thread in the community where everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions.

And as of the time of this video, we have our first lesson published which is all about why WordPress websites are targeted by hackers. There’s a misconception that if you “just have a small site” no one will waste their time to bother it — but once you understand what the hackers are after, you’ll see why this just isn’t true and every website is a potential victim.

If you want to make sure you keep up with this series each week, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter using the link down below.

Every Friday I share an editorial as well as links to the best discussions in the group and links to content we produce, like Security Weekly. A huge thanks to Oliver and Patchstack for their partnership on this series — you can check out what they offer at which I plan on sharing more about in the near future.

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