
Granbury Live’s New Website

I originally built Granbury Live’s website when they first re-opened their doors to the public. But nearly 5-years later it was starting to show its age.

One of the biggest issues it was having was performance, completely failing Core Web Vitals standards.

So I completely rebuilt the site using my preferred stack of tools; GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks and the results have been amazing!

???? Lighthouse tests:

  • Performance: Was 56, Now 99!
  • Accessibility: Was 93, Now ????!
  • Best Practices: Was 92, Now ????!
  • SEO: Was 98, Now ????!

⚡ Mobile PageSpeed Insights:

  • Was 46, Now 98

???? Total Page Size:

  • Was 2,400KB, Now 317KB

???? Total Page Requests:

  • Was 76, Now 12

I hope to have a full case study up later this week, but for now, you can take a look at the new site and see for yourself!

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