Solving important problems in his business and sharing solutions with peers

✔ Kyle’s first digital product, the Website Owner’s Manual (WOM) and why he created it
✔ Its origins as a lead magnet — how it didn’t have a ton of downloads, but once he put a price on it, interest spiked
✔ How pricing can be an indicator for people of value
✔ The strategy behind his product — informing clients but also getting them to purchase maintenance plans
✔ Helping his peers by sharing the solutions he has to his own agency problems and how we’re not actually competitors
✔ His ongoing marketing strategy including Black Friday sales, podcast guesting and inclusion in his welcome sequence and other email templates
✔ Experimentation with coupons and how he sees an uptick in sales when there is a coupon
✔ How his Prospect Pipeline Challenge is a lot of work for people, how it doesn’t sell as well and thoughts on quick wins and gamification
✔ A book recommendation — How to Become a Rainmaker…
✔ Kyle’s User Profiles Worksheet, a worksheet he uses with his own clients and the importance of keeping things simple
✔ Additional thoughts on pricing — global audiences and parity pricing, having a higher price to get people invested
✔ Handling support requests on his products and how he handles too many questions
✔ Having a refund policy and having email scripts to handle people who abuse the policy
✔ Showcasing his products by sharing his instructional videos on his sales pages
✔ Thoughts about client work, physical products and digital products
✔ What happened after having success with his first digital product
✔ Thoughts on additional digital products — keeping his mind open to opportunities, listening to his audience, making sure it’s something he’s not only interested in but can do a good job with
✔ What an amazing feeling it is to sell digital products
✔ What Kyle recommends for people creating their first digital product

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