
2022 TAB Survey

This week I thought we’d do something a little different… I’ve put together a short, anonymous survey for the group to get a sense of where everyone is at in their agency. Most of the questions are multiple choice, so it shouldn’t …


Welcome Aboard, Equalize Digital!

Huge thank you to Equalize Digital who’s become the newest Primary sponsor for The Friday Chaser weekly newsletter for the next 10 issues! Accessibility Checker is an automated accessibility scanning tool to help your WordPress website become and stay accessible. Dynamically scan, …

Planting seeds of doubt

A lot of times when I’m writing content for my agency website I’m not really thinking about SEO — I’m thinking about a specific customer or prospect and how I can educate them. Let me give you an example… A …


No one likes a perfect person

As business owners we put a lot of pressure on ourselves… Oftentimes, so much pressure that it paralyzes us from taking action. I’m sure there are things that you’ve been wanting to publish, promote, or put out into the world …