I’m constantly finding new Google Fonts I want to use, then promptly forgetting about them completely. This has been going on for, I don’t know, at least 5 years now ????.
So, I’m putting this page here to serve as a collection of Google Fonts I like for future reference. As of now, it was just everything I could think of off the top of my head — but my goal is to come back and update this page as I find more.
If you’ve stumbled upon this, I hope it’s useful.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Jost.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Inter.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Outfit.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Roboto.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Rubik.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Figtree.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called DM Sans.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Manrope.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Delicious Handrawn.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Lexend.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Lora.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called Libre Baskerville.
This is a font I like to use, it’s called DM Serif Text
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