They’re asking for referrals

If you’ve ever worried that a disproportionate number of your leads come from referrals, then you’re not alone. I think most agencies feel this way. Of course, it’s always a good thing when you can diversify your lead sources. If …


My trick to avoiding overwhelm

I get overwhelmed pretty easily — especially at work. It’s always been this way for me… Probably a combination of my high-strung personality and pedigree of anxiety issues. At one of my last real jobs I worked off of physical …


Debugging your designs

When we have our “developer hat” on, it’s natural to debug problems step by step. If something isn’t working, we quickly make a mental list of the possible causes and test them one by one until we find the solution. …

Running your own race

This week I saw a tweet by Mike Oliver that stopped my scrolling pretty quickly… “Maybe someone besides myself needs to hear this. Don’t let the new year put you in a state of panic to scale, crush or 2x last year. …